Thursday, October 25, 2012

Modern Painting 14

                                                                                            See more of the art here.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Artyii's Modern Painting 7

The subtle hue of blue in this wall painting--- how I love this color for home interior! The color itself appears to be modern for gray is the in-thing in interior design. Grayish blue or bluish gray gives an elegant effect of silver.

See the art here.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Artyii's Modern Painting 5

Love this dainty images in this wall painting. Subjects may be drawn big yet they look so dainty to me. Great to see this in a glossy white surrounding from floor to ceiling.

See the art here.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Artyii's Modern Painting 4

Flowers are never as beautiful as these are--of whether such bunch be placed on a commercial or residential unit, on a classic home interior design or highly modern, surely this wall painting will fit.

See the art here.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Artyii's Modern Painting 2

Greens in a very modern world. This is what this  modern wall painting talks about. Well, at least for me, that is how I understand it. Imagine a room with green drapes and in the far end, you have this on the wall. Must be very environment amid modernization.

  See the art here.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Artyii's Modern Collection

Talk about modern wall painting and Artyii has a great collection of it. This September will be a showcase of my favorite modern paintings retrieved from the same site. It is all Asian arts in there yet we see half of the collection universal when it comes to subject. And a few pieces, I surely love them on my wall.

                                               Oh this I love best! See The art here.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Epitome of Fine Arts

Wall painting still remains as the most patronized among artworks for sale even with contemporary art and this of course is limited to fine arts alone. Even a paper machete created by grades school children is an art and can be sold for fund raising purposes. However, painting remains as the epitome of attraction for people who possess exquisite taste.

Wall painting among artworks for sale started as a symbol of one’s status quo and which impression remains as it is until now. A fine amateur artist will catch the attention of exhibitors. She has now the opportunity to be known until such time businesses would elbow each other to carry her works for corporate art. Time will come that her name reverberates to the art world and her wall paintings will not speak for her alone but it will be her popular name signed to each of her works. And truly, this is where possessing her works become a signature to people who are after status symbols.
High grade wall paintings are appreciated only with people who have the means to afford at least the cheapest one. This is based from the presumption that people who have money are people who know the value of money. The more one has, the more the need arises which does not necessarily mean a confinement to basic necessities. But all the more, people want something that will cost them higher than the usual things they had when money seemed elusive. In this case,  it is just but logical that wall paintings that are more costly than ordinary wall art we see in the mall or in furniture store attract even people who are still in the onset of stuffing their wallet with greener Pasteur.

Artworks for sale can be anything from a doodle to coloured-paper cut outs but there is what we call fine arts that make the classy drool. A wall art in the house is a reflection of the taste of the homeowner for fine things.  However, many know the value of such art but lack to have it because of budget scarcity for the investment which only implies that more than taste it is money that speak when we talk about owning a high grade wall painting. The value of wall paintings grew overtime and is relative on the growth of the value of the artist a person who will spend for wall painting usually checks on the other works of the artists. Buyers may not look at the name of the artist in a glance but surely would determine if the master creator of the artwork for sale has potential to grow in the art world just by looking at the consistency of his excellent pieces. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Affordable Landscape Painting for Women

Landscape Paintings are known to exude panoramic view of whether this is classic or contemporary art. Art is an expression of its creator but incontestably, it remains widely known as something that pleases the eye. And in any genre of these fine arts, landscape paintings have filled our homes with sophistication and value which likewise exudes a feel of relaxation at the same time.

Affordable art online makes women of the houses satisfied in terms of aesthetics and budget allotment to achieve the former. Now, as opposed to only lucky few who can brag of their wall art display, majority of homemakers take pride of what they set on their lovely walls. As we know, among the many styles of wall arts which to name a few are portrait, still life, etc., landscape painting makes our houses homey.  And with easy access now to buy art online, these paintings can make our house look multi-cultural. If there are painting styles that can make our dwelling place in Europe Asian, then it must be landscape paintings. To which premise is based from that artists, most of the time, get their inspiration to what they see in their surroundings.

Women who are too involved in the home front know two things: aesthetics and budget. And mostly aesthetics is boxed in to budget allotment. No matter how pleasantness of their home environment is deemed important for them, undeniably present are other priorities that need to be faced primarily more than anything else. But with affordable art along with choices of landscaping paintings displayed in the local market or globally via the internet, moms and aunts now hit two birds in one stone.  Adding beauty in the house with something that budget can afford is irresistible. This is why, women as traditional market of wall paintings aside from art collectors who are investing remain the same to-date.

Women are known to be spenders but name creatures on the earth that know thrift and practicality, then allow yourselves to point your finger back to women. They are spenders for beauty which means they witness how money flows in and out of their pockets and which further means they know it more than anyone else. And because they are well introduced to finances, they are the same ones hurt if this wouldn’t address all their concerns that are listed from front to back of their wish list. Affordable art or to be more specific, affordable landscape paintings answer some of their challenges. And if thinking of wholesale, all the more affordable art becomes less costly. Find the nearest country that carries landscaping wall paintings from different parts of the globe. And you then know that making your home interior look multi-cultural is just a click of your mouse away.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Landscape Paintings—artists’ favourite style

Landscape paintings are artists’ favourite of whether yester years or with contemporary art There will be no doubt about this fact the moment you look through the online galleries of many artists all over the world. You can assume then that the general observation of landscape art propagating the internet is valid just by checking on artworks for sale.

Artists derive their inspiration to what they feel which most of the time is based also from what they see. The things within sight plus the emotions such panorama create is a wonderful subject to paint. What else can trigger moods of melancholy, nostalgia, and bliss but the nature around us!  Creative people reflect on nature. There is something with natural resources that make creative ones make a sigh of regret or relief, not to mention landscape paintings are challenging to create. Of weather we speak of linear or painterly art, these paintings project a soothing and relaxing feeling. It is the same feeling exuded to both the audience and the master creator of the pieces. If so, then this explains as to why these arts are the most patronized among artworks for sale.

Speaking of the challenge in creating landscape paintings, making a replica of one’s surrounding is not as easy as it may sound. There apply the technique to make a piece something that looks like a spot people want to go to. Depth is what makes landscaping painting realistic. Some objects need to look farther than the other foreshortened items in the image. Highlighting and shadowing plays a major component in creating landscape painting. It adds drama to the totality of the composition.
However, not all landscape paintings are exact representation of what the artists see. More this kind of art be appreciated if they are creatively done. Putting the artist’s style to landscaping like creatively disfiguring images can be very attractive. Those who eye for artworks for sale online can spot which among the ones in display are expressive, creative, yet very pleasing to the eyes. And because there are many to look at, even the best in one locality maybe behind when aligned with others.  Truly, there is high competition with landscape paintings in display as artwork for sale online. Yet, both masters and amateurs still elbow each other to make their landscape creations be noticed in the global art scene. More than anything, this style is the most challenging of all where portrait of people and still life can be incorporated in one art kind. With landscape art, we notice not just the trees and hills per se but the people moving about the environment and the fruits that deliciously dangle in the tree. No wonder why among artworks for sale, landscape art hits it big time because having one is a combination of many painting styles.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Landscape Painting

What makes landscape painting popular to artists is that working on it is creating art out of a work of an art. Land is vast. And because it was filled with gifts of heavens that make such land a beauty, then this vastness was transformed to landscape which means by itself is an art. And people who are attracted to what pleases the eye create a replica of it.

Talk about work of art as landscape then you have Asia to look at. Asia is known for natural resources. The lush green covers the continent which in between are crystal clear waters. Go to the opposite panorama and you have deserts and pyramids. From greens, we divert to the neutral colors of browns. Asia by itself is panoramic which means Asian art is popular when it comes to landscape paintings. It is true that out of creativity, art can be created. An artist who has not seen anything can see visions by just imagining.  This happens to a few but actual exposure to that something can make the majority create an artwork out of it. That explains as to why Asian art mastered landscape painting.  Nature is what people see. And it is this natural landscape of the continent that serves as the people’s refuge over unsightly views of poverty.

Creating landscape painting and extending its beauty to the viewers became the means for the people to show their gratitude to nature. In fact, landscape art becomes more patronized after a massive distraction of one region due to calamity. People’s peace offering to mother nature is expressed through replicating the beauty of the surroundings by the use of art. This applies more commonly to Asian arts where history of people was inclined to worshipping nature. Asians see mother nature so alive rewarding humankind with natural resources and punishing them, too for negligence in handling such beautiful reward. This notion becomes widespread that Asian countries set their mind to make calamities as an outcry of our neglected surrounding. And to give nature back what it deserves, beautiful landscape wall paintings are patronized even more.  Nature is artists’ true inspiration.

Asian art especially as that of Chinese pioneered landscape paintings. As we know, China along with Japan and others are known likewise for their relaxing gardens. These aren’t even nature at all like mountains covered with lush green. But these are man-made landscapes meaning raw lands were turned in to a beautiful work of art.  You see a garden, the blue sky, and sometimes with people and animals in the scene. And most importantly, weather is a frequent if not constant composition. All the more that you see artists expert on landscape art from archipelago like that of the Philippines where nature is rich and untouched.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Revisiting the Classic

From contemporary art, let us now revisit the classic. Originaloil paintings that caught the attention of many scholars are no doubt originated from the art genius themselves who lived during time where knowledge was most sought and geniuses from different fields arose challenging the traditional views of religions, most especially as that of Christianity.

Leonardo da Vinci in the field of Arts while we name Newton in Science as few among the geniuses in the old times whose names are until now carried on not to classroom lessons alone but even in films and books.  The famous Da Vinci inspired novel which was adopted by a catchy film that grossed to millions of dollars cannot deny the fact that people became obsessed with Newton’s code that led the way for the heir to reveal herself.  Among the many high grade paintings that this Earth has ever produced, Mona Lisa claimed the fame in this modern time. Yes, it was famous before but who would ever thought that during these years where contemporary art is expected to overshadow what is classic, the original oil painting of Mona Lisa reclaimed its fame once again. We are not so sure if it is the Draconian Devil that triggered its revival in this contemporary time or the code from the Petruvian Man or just simply because it is Da Vinci’s Feminine Sacred and nothing else can beat that.

Traditionally, wall paintings are expressions of faith. As we know, they became renowned as artworks from the reign of Roman Catholicism. So mostly, during those times, you would see depiction of heaven and all the figures that dwell in it like angels fighting over good and evil. And because this faith also believed in the presence of Satan trying his best to conquer what God has created, many wall paintings, as well, revolve around related subjects. And yes, all these high grade artworks, even those that may seem very anti-Christian in meaning were unquestionable. The depiction was subtle and message was yet to be discerned as opposed to what at present is considered art that is vulgar, blatant, and message that is too direct where no underlying meaning in depth is to discover.
Can contemporary art revive the depth of the finest of fine arts when it comes to depicting good over evil or vice versa, faith and religion, or the presence of evil on Earth without disrespecting the belief of others? If an artist created Mary Magdalene as a romantic companion of Jesus Christ in is original oil painting, then we can just credit it to imagination, fiction, or just simply creativity. But if out of an artwork created is a male genital stuck in the face of a religious icon, can we still call that art? If the answer is yes, then society needs to exert too much effort to revisit the progress of what is art now? Art is not a direct representation of something.  There needs to be an underlying meaning that has to be discerned. And by the way, to say that it needs some decoding to come up with a meaning can be too much, on the other hand.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Wood for Art

Many people who have a fine taste for furniture are willing to have their plastics ripped off for real wood. There are few that are well-known but there are lot more that are considered rare and exotic and mostly are manufactured as Asian arts or contemporary art and these are real treasures at home. Wood when stained, varnished and laminated makes a simple house to look very elegant.

Yes, there are steel frames where you can have glass over it. As this might look contemporary, this remains second best when we speak of expensive wood with glass stop. Use steel or bronze metals as accents and you just created a sophisticated furniture with bling bling. Sounds hip, right? Western countries brag of their woods from oak, walnut, beech to pine. Country style of interior design is no doubt adopted from United States. Their furniture which can go very white from stained real solid hardwood matched with foams covered in blue-shaded upholstery is America’s very own. This style is identifiable to Western countries.

White furniture is not common to Asian art. No matter how easy they are on the eyes, it is not just wise or practical to maintain white-stained wooden furniture in countries that are not surrounded with snow but dust which when moistened becomes close to mud in appearance. With Asian art, wood frequently goes natural retaining its dark colored, not unless the furniture is laminated or covered with glass then maintaining white- colored furniture will not be a challenge at home.

These wood that are common to most Asian art and furniture are Cherry Blossom of Japan, Malaysian Rubberwood, and a lot more in other Asian countries and the Philippines. And by the way, when we speak of Philippine wood, we talk about luxury. Think of sofa set that are not upholstered. It could even be damaged with scratches already, not laminated, and stained, yet still expect that getting one of these pre-loved furniture will cost one an arm and leg.  How much more if these are polished, brand new, and designed to contemporary style or a collection of antique ones! Narra, for instance, is not just rare nor exotic but can only be found in the Philippines. Furniture and artworks made of narra are exported and patronized by the wealthy outside the country.

These classy and elegant wooden furniture when placed inside the house with wall paintings as sole company and well selected appliances that are contemporary or latest model in style, features, and design will comprise an elegant minimalist touch in the home interior. Artworks for sale that you see online of whether contemporary or classic can be matched to even the most antique of these luxury set of wooden furniture. Antique ones do not necessarily mean that the home interior has to look creepy and aged. The key is combination of classic and contemporary.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Furniture and Wall Paintings for Women with Exquisite Taste

Furniture and modern wall paintings are two of women’s love aside from her wardrobe and diamonds. Maybe because aside from that these are used for beautification, both are of value when it comes to price. As we know women fell in love with anything that comes with high price although not as pricey as men’s car but don’t worry we have house to match that.

The value of wall painting gets higher when appraised overtime. This goes the same for furniture of rare real wood and not those that use particles or ply. The more it ages like wall painting all the more it becomes very dear which is far from possibility to afford by average-income earner. Wall paintings that quadruple its value years after are equivalent to antique furniture that is passed on to generations to generations as part of inheritance.

Furniture however compared to wall painting is not easy to maintain. This is why the more it looks like aged, all the more its price shoots up. Wall paintings are displayed on the wall whereas sets of furniture are used. They are set on the ground where people are in motion as opposed to an artwork hanging as home wall art. Yet despite of the a priori mentioned fact, wall paintings are much more delicate than furniture made of real wood where you can just simply sand it down for wood staining and re-varnishing as part of its makeover. Wall paintings’ re-touch, on the other hand, devalues the artworks. Wall painting is more valuable when it is untouched which means it is well-preserved and maintained and requires no repair or clean up because even minor clean-up can tarnish its dry pigment.

Valuable wall paintings and high-end furniture are eye candies to women, at least to adult woman who has upgraded her wants from shoes, bags, and clothes. These two sets when put altogether in a room or space undoubtedly give a feel of elegance and nobility. The furniture nowadays is not just a flat surface where artworks are placed. Furniture as almost all will agree are now works of art and the last thing the owner wants to do is to hide it under linen or put art crafts over it lest that it will scratch its well- crafted and smooth surface. This is evident when you visit a well-designed home interior. You see furniture as the home’s major artworks and the rest that are purchased from shops that display artworks or sale serve as accents only. This is why prior to being attracted to little details in the home interior, women usually eye for furniture first along with its window covers and a well-selected wall art like wall paintings.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Furniture and Paintings are Women’s Collection

When you buy art online, it is not really investment that first comes to mind most especially if it is not modern wall painting. It is always for the reason of aesthetics or simply collection. People have a habit of collecting what interest them. It is like jewelry. Do you think women panic-buy for diamonds set in platinum for investment when the last thing they want is to lose sight of them?

This goes the same for art. Art lovers cannot resist artworks for sale posted online or art sold somewhere in the mall and this is because for mere collection. Although there is this justification for the money spent that one day the collection will be resold, doubling or tripling what was spent on them. This can also be true but there is nothing truer than the satisfaction collecting gives. People have different interests that fascinate them. Collecting becomes a hobby that aside from making the collector satisfied, psychologically speaking it becomes a good stress-reliever, too.  Although, it cannot be denied that art like wall painting is a big money- back after sometime; the guarantee of course comes along with good maintenance or preservation of the artwork.

Furniture made of rare hardwood is another collection among women. These are like wall paintings, too, when it comes to amount that needed to be spent when one desires to have a piece. Women drool over furniture just like how they want diamonds all over her. In collecting furniture, those that are made beautiful but of no value is waste of money. These are the ones that are made of ply or just wood particles. But furniture just like artworks for sale that we see over the net can be cheap or very expensive depending on the materials and on how well they are crafted. With wall paintings on the other hand, it is very seldom that we see ones that are cheap in price. And If we bumped into one, it would not necessarily mean that the materials used in painting are cheap but most probably, the artist is just beginning in his or career or simply put, the creator of the artwork has not made a name yet as opposed to furniture which a piece can cost an arm and leg without considering who designs and manufactures it.

These two, wall paintings and furniture, are women’s collection and fascination for home use. It is innate to women to create beauty wherever she goes. How much more if we speak of her own dwelling!  She will not collect stamps or Hasbro toys just like men do. She makes sure that her collection benefits the home front and making your surrounding comfortable, conducive, and beautiful is for women never a luxury but a necessity. This is why men who cannot respect this fact about women should better live somewhere else.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Furniture is Art

Furniture is considered as art. It is not just modern wallpainting or music that can be tagged as art. Wooden furniture, in fact, mostly is intricately designed with carvings while those with contemporary touch of glasses are shaped and printed or painted.

Those that are posted over the internet as artworks for sale should not be limited to wall paintings and other crafts alone. Major furnishings in the house that largely make up the interior are dining and sofa sets, bedframes, and display cabinets to include TV rack. The rest of what is tagged as artworks are minor accents only although they are considered as valuable items when it comes to price. These are wall paintings, for example. Accents, however, are major determinants of whether the style of the interior is European or that of Asian art. But it would be best too if the furniture will blend with the theme.

If one thinks of Japanese-inspired home and would want to go all the way Japanese to its set of furniture, then you can expect to see tables and chairs that are relatively low as compared to the standard height of other furniture like tables, bed frames, and chairs. If Filipino style is what a person is up to, highly crafted wooden furniture can be best recommended. We talk of aging hardwood here and are indeed very pricey. Those typical Filipino sets of wooden furniture that are pre-loved, damaged with scratches, discoloured would still cost thousands. Have the ones that are upholstered,  licked-finished, and laminated, then you are already asking for an item that will cost you an arm and leg.

When before tables were just meant to be a flat board-like surface with four poles, now they are made to look very stylish yet elegant. The last thing the owner wants to do is to put covers on to it hiding the intricate and artistic details of this piece of furniture which is now a piece of art. We remember our old house with our old dining table which was made to look stylish by putting embroidered or printed covers, not to mention we needed to put a flower vase on the top. And it was only then it was considered as art. Check department stores and furniture boutique or even on websites where people buy art online and imagine the items there placed in your house. With these choices to mix and match, everyone can be an interior designer in their own right. Just put the pieces you grab from the store together and before you know it you already came up with a dressed-up unit without internalizing the fact if you have just created an Asian art inspired house or otherwise.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Shopping for Furniture is another Woman’s Challenge

Canvasing for furniture and modern wall painting can be very exhausting. This is because wherever you look, of whether it is online or in physical store, you have more than thousands of choices. No matter how you categorize your need depending on the space allotment, theme like Asian art style, price, color, etc., choices are just tons and equally enticing.

Furniture makes up the interior of our home.  Almost all rooms in the house need furniture and not just for aesthetic purposes but for its practical use. If there is one space in our home that does not have an urgent need for furniture, then it must be our bathroom. But when it comes to interior designing, bathrooms nowadays have bigger space allotment for furnishing and furniture as well like cabinets or TV rack. The thing is when we speak of furniture, we do not mean small items or objects because even small side tables or console tables consume too much space in the house.

The most confusing part of shopping around for furniture is that most of the time, you will shop for the one that looks good neglecting if it suits the theme or style of your home. ‘ Say you have a house that is Mexican-inspired but when you went online or you went to visit different boutiques, you saw this beautiful Japanese dining table and choosing the one  that fits the theme of your interior would mean buying the second best. No people would want to buy the second best. We want to get the first choice that fits our budget. 

So for homemakers or for homeowners who do not hire professional interior designer, it is very seldom that the house interior theme is strictly followed. Most of the time, you’ll see collection of art pieces from different locations. And when we say art pieces, we also mean to include furniture. It could look like this: on the top of a lazy boy is an Asian art wall painting just very close to rich drapes which prominently look Victorian. Yet overall, the interior still looks great.

This is what makes shopping around for furniture exhausting not unless you will limit the number of boutiques to visit. If the home interior is Asian, might as well visit Asian art shops alone. This could be wise, practical, and time-saving, but not very womanly. As we know, women get attracted to an item they initially saw but they have this attitude of canvassing for more until there are no choices left. After exhausting all the options, they go back to what they first saw. This is where interior designer comes to front. They are attached to their project more and less to the owner whims.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Oriental Window Treatment aka Wall Paintings

If you are looking for modern wall painting online, better give the art piece a second to third glance because before you realize it, it could be oriental window treatments that are posted in the internet. This is true. Window covers to be mistaken as wall paintings are not far from possibility anymore, especially if we are talking about oriental blinds.

As we say, window covers are not anymore considered as shield protecting us from the intrusion and scrutiny outside the home front. They are not just security of our privacy when we want to just stay inhibited or relaxed at home; neither their sole purpose is to protect us from ultraviolet rays of the sun but are now more descriptive to give our home interior a more pleasing view.  Browse through the net and find Monalisa, if not laid on a canvass, on a bamboo or sticks closely knit together to create a surface. If you are tired of her on your wall, you can just roll it up and roll it down once again if you are in the mood to meditate on DaVinci’s piece. Monalisa is not the only renowned work of art you see painted in oriental blinds you can even have Vitruvian if you are lucky enough to secure one.

What the above-mentioned are just examples of window covers aka wall painting for windows. You can find different designs from portrait to landscape for less than 20 bucks each. But for one who is not up to anything like this, nothing is better, classy, and stylish than to just get plain, plaid, stripes blinds with real wall paintings as premier wall art décor at home. The point is window treatments are not just covers but works of art, too. Your wall art and curtain, drapes, or blinds should blend together to give your desired effect of beauty at home. If you want your home interior to look busy, you can have printed or painted blinds plus wall paintings and stylish mirrors set above your console table.

Oriental mini blinds can be of bamboo materials, matchsticks, or shoji paper roll up. From the sound of the materials used, we already know for a fact that these blinds are of no doubt Asian arts, Chinese to be specific. This can be patronized by western or Caucasian people who crave for Asian culture in their own home setting. Those along with Asian wall paintings can be good contributors enough to create an oriental feel at home. Even non-Asians cannot deny the fact that Asian ambiance at home exudes a unique feel of relaxation.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Window Treatments as Artworks for Sale Online

It is now common for people to buy art online most especially to homeowners who consider art as home decors. The trust over the internet can even extend to shopping for major furniture at home that will make up the home interior. This can be dining set to living room or bedroom stuff. This may also include valuable modern wall paintings, other wall arts, and window treatments.

Speaking of window treatments, if as big as major furniture and as valuable as wall paintings are shopped via the internet, how can’t it be much easier to entrust our window treatments to just one click of the mouse. Window covers are less expensive to purchase and much lighter to ship. People may not even consider this window treatments as just covers or shield to protect them from the striking heat of the sun coming from outside but as a house ornaments, as well. The importance of window covers cannot be underestimated most especially for houses facing north or south where the striking heat of the sun will be a constant companion even indoors. Good for homeowners who secured properties facing the east or what is known in realty as the morning sun. Otherwise, better panic buy for window treatments most especially if the sun rays that you will be in constant battle with is that of the Philippines.

But the function of window covers becomes secondary to homeowners, nowadays. Yes now, that people are more exposed to interior designing because of the internet and now that housing becomes more affordable to masses. People get the chance to visit model houses or what the real estate business calls as dressed-up units to show the interested or potential buyers the beauty of the property being sold when interior designing is already applied. With this exposure, more people tend to get exposed to what is Asian art, American-inspired, or Hispanic- themed among others. They see wall paintings as necessary ornaments, too. Moreover, more learned the acquired taste of choosing their window treatments properly when before only few could understand the idea of spending bucks for them.

Most of the homeowners now see curtains or blinds as part of wall art. More realize by now that these too need to be identified of whether they belong to Asian art or more of European in style. When checked window treatments over the internet, one will notice that they are just like art pieces that are posted as artworks for sale online. Most especially with Asian art- styled window treatments which some can even be mistaken for oriental wall painting in canvas that can be rolled up and down. With people getting more exposed to buy art online, many become interior designer by practice as opposed to the past decades that only the educated on such field understands excellent home beautification.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Window Treatments Make a Good Home Interior

Asian home interior design requires window covers and not just modern wall paintings that will suit a space of Asian art. Otherwise, the ambiance would fail to exude what supposed to be an oriental feel. Window covers, as most of the time overlooked, can ruin the stylish interior of the house if not well-taken care of.

Window covers are in fact labelled as window treatments. This is a way of saying that there is a proper or appropriate way of treating our windows at home.  To those who barely afford to beautify their home interior, curtains are least to be worked on. Why not, there are other things at home that need to be well-addressed first.  In this case, dining or sofa set should be prioritized while window treatments should wait at the back seat. But when we shop for furniture, we also do not just limit its function to practical uses. We also consider how aesthetically it will be placed in the room! In reality, we buy home furniture for its practical use and aesthetic purpose which both are gauged relative to the price. But no matter how well we chose our furniture based on its price, appearance, and use, if we tend to neglect our window treatments which occupy a big space in our home wall, we will not get the desired effect of pleasantness which a certain space or view exudes.

The furniture might be pleasing to the eyes when looked at alone meaning without considering the background which is impossible if we are going to throw our glance to a room.  As we notice, when someone visits our home, we seldom get compliments addressed to one furniture or ornament in our house. Most of the time, it is the entire house that is praised in general. This is because when we look at the interior design, we only see the details after giving the entirety an impression. But the irony of this is to come up with a beautiful interior, we need to focus on the details which include wall art, wall paintings and, window covers.

With all the above-mentioned in mind, try not to neglect window treatments despite lack of budget. There are artworks for sale that one can find via the internet which includes window treatments. Some of these like Asian blinds can even be mistaken for a wall painting when not rolled up.  Some are not just made of sticks or bamboo but also of canvas where painting is created. Purchase of these may not mean ripping off your wallet. There is everything within the budget.

No matter how practical we are to choose an item that is more prioritized like kitchen furniture if we will just ruin the room by putting an inappropriate wall treatment, half of what we spent for the furniture we got will just be put to waste. Remember people buy for practical use and aesthetic purpose.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Window Covers for a Beautiful Home Wall

Window covers are undeniably a major part of the home interior prior to thinking of what modern wall painting fits your home best. If you see a home with bare windows, then we can assume that her windows are well-crafted or artistically customized to fit the overall style of the house.

The case of a house interior without window covers is rare, however. And this is because window covers’ premier function to shield us from sun rays and public intrusion from outside and at the same time respecting an opening to permit natural air ventilation still cannot be ignored. Window covers are not simply linen that you want to hang in your window. It is also like choosing your wall paintings which you need to consider the overall theme of the house. If most of the ornaments are Asian arts, then go for covers that will perfectly blend with them.  Wall covers which is evident in most of the houses we visit in our lifetime makes or breaks the home design.  This could probably be attributed to its large size to consume most parts of our home wall.

Imagine a mural at home. This is no different to window covers that are sometimes printed or just plain in color. It is impossible to ignore a mural in our home wall because of the space it occupies. This goes the same for window covers which are not just dominant in one area of the house but are prominently present in every room. It would be awkward to see grandiose Victorian style furniture jam packed in one room when all of a sudden you have vertical mini blinds that are commonly used in office spaces. And we know perfectly that rich drapes hanging from ceiling to floor is perfect for such style. Add trimming like tassel and use an intricately designed bronze or gold iron rod and you have just created a perfect set of Victorian drapes.

And as to Asian art, we can use of mini venetian blinds made of canvas or any suitable fabric. This can be rolled up and down and could be of prints and colors. For Zen type, plain white or cream canvass rolled in a wooden rod or mini blinds that are made of bamboo can suit the style. As we see, we carefully pick our window covers in fact more than choosing our wall paintings at home. As for wall painting, we can pick the one that best blends with the surrounding or the one that is a perfect contrast to the main theme. This home designing technique, however, does not apply to window covers at all which need to consider the furniture, the home wall, and some other more.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Residential Floor Murals

Floor murals are not only popular in office interiors, but many elegant houses make use of such art to daw attention to the flooring instead of putting eye catchy original oil painting on the wall. Here are some examples of how floor mural can make a house look sophisticated.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Modern Floor Murals

Murals are not just on walls. Even before, they can be seen on floors too.  Floor tiles are designed  yet no matter how elegant they may look, many will still opt to something more interesting to catch the eyes. Although this kind is not usually found in residential, we'll see lots of these in commercial spaces. Instead of decorating walls with wall painting, offices exert effort to heavily design their floors.  Let us see some simple floor mural that make businesses interesting.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Classic Painting

Apart from modern wall art or contemporary wall paintings, many still opt for classic ones. This makes huge houses to look like mansions of elegance and antiquity in style. The ambiance it exudes is more of formal that hip and cool. However, even modern architecture make use of classic wall paintings to put balance in style. This contrasts the modern feel and adds a more sopisticated flavor in the background.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Modern Portrait

ASide from landscape paintings, many artists are still fond of portraits but this time with a twist in style to make them  modern. Contemporary arts are now sought to suit the new architecture and contemporary designs of modern edifices.

                                   Artyii has great names when it comes to modern portaits...

                                     ... one of these is Tilen Ti of artyii. See more of him here.                                 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Landscape Surrealism

Talk about modern art and we have surrealism as its epitome when it comes to wall paintings. As mentioned from the previous post, landscape has been the artist favorite's for centuries. Yet, once mounted on the wall, it gives the ambiance a feel of refinement and antiquity. And for modern age such as what we are all in, surrealism gives a twist to a classic fine art.

Fantastic example of modern landscape from artyii's master artist.
See his profile here.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Landscape Realism

Landscape paintings are still artists' favorite and so are the art lovers' pet.  Landscape leaves the vieweres with no choice to once again embrace the beautiful surrounding that we have. Some still go for realism which looks more fine and classic while others prefer surrealism which looks more modern and interesting.

One of the works of artyii's realist landscape artist
See his profile here.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Murals for Restaurants

Contemporary murals have been more popular to establishments like restaurants even centuries ago. Commercial centers feel bolder to take advantage of usually humongous wall art that extends from wall to wall, or from angle to angle of a wall, as opposed to wall paintings that usually are known to consume a reasonable space for aesthetic purposes.

Mural in the restaurant interior to make dining more inviting

Murl seen outside the restaurant to more define what is the establishment for

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Office Murals

Speaking of murals from previous post, more than residential spaces, it is commercial stablishments like office spaces that make use more of murals as alternative to wall paintings of even as the first choice among wall arts. See samples below:

Monday, June 4, 2012

Murals as Modern Wall Art

To substitue for contemporary wall paintings, many residential and commercial spaces us of modern murals, instead. Below are examples of images of how murals can make an entire space look simple yet fabulous.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Modern Asian Oil Painting

Original oil paintings for a few is meant to be classic. They should be the epitome of class and sophistication among fine arts. They are the ones seen in museum. And more so they have served as inspiration to arts of today. And yes, the phrase itself sounds big bucks!

If we speak of antiquity when we hear of oil painting then we better pay a visit to online galleries that have propagated the internet with artworks for sale or original oil paintings to be specific. We, then, take a look of paintings in oil and see for ourselves that they are not antique-looking at all but more catchy ones. They belong to contemporary art. We specify our search then to Asian art as not to be overwhelmed by hundred thousands of artworks displayed right before our eyes. And from Asian art, we limit or confine our search per country and see how modern oil paintings will put us to awe! From Vietnam art alone, we can guarantee that our eyes will ask for more. They are highly cultural but made to be modern. And speaking of style, they have their own that is more than good enough for art buyers to take some action without much ado right after throwing the pieces a glance. Google Asian art and through the list on the first few pages, go for the one that says affordable art to make viewing more ecstatic. With crisis left and right, no matter how beautiful a product is if it is just intended to hurt our savings so much, then it doesn’t appeal to viewers anymore. 

Just a friendly reminder:  No matter how Asian art strikes us with awesome viewing experience, still go for affordable art when you buy art online. Looking for artworks for sale may take you to millions of choices until you find yourself retreating from your weeks of searching. Be specific.  Look for contemporary Asian art and make sure you bump yourself in to affordable art. Otherwise, you will find original oil painting in contemporary style intimidating aka too much too have.

Not all get the chance to experience the beauty of authentic painting in oil because not all are exposed to arts in the internet. Spending a couple of hours in the net for the first time to do a search prior to buying from the nearby art boutique will open one to a beautiful discovery of having tons of remarkable choices in a price that can even be friendlier to the budget than buying from the mall.  Budget for an art can even fit for two original oil paintings when one buys art online and in effect can even free one from shipping cost.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oil Painting now for All

Painting prior to the recent discovery of acrylic and other media were only oil paintings. If we looked back to check on the venerated art pieces from renaissance preserved in museums, they were in no doubt the epitome of original oil paintings. They were served to feed the hunger for luxury in the eyes of the aristocrat.

Paintings intimidate those who cannot afford them. There are many artworks for sale out there from the malls to street bazaars.  And only few know that wall paintings are investment, as well. Just like centuries ago, wall painting business did not mean to cater for the masses. But with the onset of internet era, many have been exposed not just to the beauty of these arts but to the talents of the artists, as well. Prior to internet, people see wall paintings as a decoration just like any other form of art intended to serve as an ornate to the wall. But now people get amazed everyday to realize that these fantastic works are done by artistic hands. And when we speak of hands, we mean crafted manually--- literally!  And all the more they get amused of how gifted these people are to create something that not all are capable of doing. And this just made the impression of painting as having high cost justifiable.

However, original oil painting as genuine is true but its price shooting up is not justifiable at all nowadays when fine arts are not anymore a healthy treat to the elite alone. Arts are serving the masses, as well. And with supply growing more and more with the advent of the internet, price is becoming relatively low as compared before yet quality is becoming more high-end. This is evident when you browse the World Wide Web only to be welcomed with different online galleries displaying artworks for sale from different regions of the globe. People see how these beautiful works of arts are everywhere and which can even be secured in a low price, most especially when wholesale’s is taken advantage!  Thus, upon hearing the phrase “original oil painting”, it is illogical then for public to get intimidated. This should not drive anyone away but draw them close to the art piece to savor the brilliance of its style and beauty. All eyes deserve to be fed with colors and luster and when we say all eyes, we mean no single soul is dismissed. A few hours of work or a little saving to have one piece of art must suffice.

Artworks for sale are now meant to draw people close together to experience beauty- of whether they belong not to the fortunate few and of whether we speak here of original oil painting.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Contemporary Asian art

Asian art, as we know, is highly cultural in theme and this is because among the 7 continents in the globe, nothing can be as diverse as Asia when it comes to its culture and tradition. Talk about a number of sects of religions present and we can already find the logic behind such diversity. Yet despite influence of this antiquity, art in Asia is also known globally when one seeks of contemporary art.

Don’t you think the Zen aesthetic design of Asia is not just confined in the continent per se but likewise for world-wide audience, as well? Talk about minimalism in this modern era and you have Zen style as an epitome. Art deco of Europe may be modernized but they are still revived from what is classic as opposed to the soothing and relaxing style of Zen that is very contemporary. Zen is Asian art’s very own—from garden, to house exterior architecture and interior design, not to mention you have pieces of fine arts that perfectly match it of whether they are meant to accent or to contrast. Abstract painting is expensive. Even the classic abstract of Picasso during his period stood out from the rest price-wise. If one comes to think of it, there are two high-priced sets in arts. One is antique while the other one is contemporary. Anything in between can be for sale or discounted in price even though art is a piece of investment and its value is meant to appreciate. Well, just like in any marketing, products of rarity and most often than not belonging from an aging collection may sound expensive and the new arrivals that have outmoded the previous ones are expected to be pricey, as well.

What is then expected from contemporary Asian art based from the aforementioned but to be very dear when we speak of its price! Nonetheless, because art now does not just anymore mean to serve the taste of the elite, many are on sale or are considered as affordable art to catch the attention of anyone up for artworks for sale.  The best part with Asian art is that you can still get a very cultural painting crafted in modern style in a price that is relatively low when we consider quality and rarity of its design and style.  And if cultural painting will be considered to make art contemporary and then a great number of these can be found in the net alone considering that each country has already varying cultures and traditions. And each artist embracing particular culture has different style to imbibe a contemporary style to what is supposed to be highly cultural and antique-looking piece.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Murals can be considered as affordable art when compared to high grade original oil painting. Murals can’t be investment. They will fade overtime. They can be erased and no trace of them will be left not unless captured by a camera for some memorabilia or be fully preserved like that of a mural set in church interior. Other than that, there is no way to prolong their beauty to be handed down to the next generation.

Nonetheless, murals are contemporary. Online you see most of the modern home interior design to be made more attractive by murals.  No matter how simple the paint on the wall is, undeniably allowing a mural to be a part of the wall art is a courageous step to be taken by a homeowner. And this is not because murals are usually bright because they can be tamed depending on the preference as to how they will be styled but only because murals are bold no matter how light the paint is. They are directly painted in the wall making them extremely catchy.  This is why when a designer puts murals, less is the chance that the space be filled with other artworks unlike when she places original oil paintings instead, she can have a medium sized of these in a row. Despite this fact, others will opt for murals instead of the latter. The reason behind that is, irrefutably they are more considered as affordable art than paying too much from just how the original oil painting sounds that give the impression that they only fit best in the refuge of the elite ones.

Mural wall painting is affordable art as compared to other fine arts yet despite comparison in price, their practical value is still in question. They might be easy to secure than original oil paintings but one still needs to spend a good sum of money. After all, they are still artworks. And from what was spent, no returns are expected. Exactly, they are not a piece of investment. Their value will depreciate overtime no matter how grand they were set on a wall not unless the space is that of a church which highly maintenance of murals along with its mosaic, fresco and altar pieces be preserved for centuries. Otherwise, they will fade.  Or they will be removed if wall needs a paint touch-up. And no trace of one’s hard earned money spent for murals be left.

Murals are no doubt affordable art but practicality-wise when compared to high-grade original oil painting, the latter will still be more sought. And in fact, with many choices of these wall paintings in the net, it will be impossible not to stumble to one that is just right for the budget.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Affordable Oil Painting

Many think of art as investment.  Many are getting exposed to original oil painting as not just a lovely ornate to our home but a source of income as well.  However, the question for some still remains dwell on the issue of whether such fine piece is now attainable cost-wise.

Original oil paintings are mouth-watering. Aside from that they shine from afar which only means, if we only speak here of a real art perfect to beautify a home, they are also a good piece of investment. Forget hectares of lot as assets when all you want is to hit two birds in one stone. Paintings are up for display, as well as they make you earn some remarkable ROI overtime. However, we know that high grade original oil painting can rip off our plastics when paying monthly for the dues ‘’till the total price completion is not all practical, and not to mention that such terms will probably incur interest. Then, this is not how investment works. If we think of investing for original oil paintings, then we must have the patience to settle for less.

Settling for less does not necessarily mean settling for pieces that are less in quality but is just way much less in price when compared to costly artworks for sale that we usually stumble upon as we shop. Gone were the days that fine arts served to feed the luxurious taste of the aristocrats and which collection from such era are now heralded at grand renowned museums. These days, with constant education and honing of skills of the artists, original oil paintings can even surpass the quality of the heralded classic ones in a price that will not even hurt one’s budget. Many are displayed not just in exclusive boutiques but are also seen online and which are the very same pieces considered as affordable art even by the ones who can’t really afford to secure one. And this only means, that basing from the high quality of the art like a high-grade oil painting, it is relatively priced way low than expected. When before art lovers just drooled over artworks that were just meant for them to dream of or to look at when in display, now there are many pieces of the same quality or even higher in quality that they can have on the next payday.

Affordable art of today serves as an inspiration not just to art lovers to work hard and earn more but to people who want to start up a business with little capital. Investing in original oil paintings may not be as costly as before and in fact, is more fun today given that collections will be coming from different parts of the globe via shopping online.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Modern Asian Oil Painting

Original oil paintings for a few is meant to be classic. They should be the epitome of class and sophistication among fine arts. They are the ones seen in museum. And more so they have served as inspiration to arts of today. And yes, the phrase itself sounds big bucks!

If we speak of antiquity when we hear of oil painting then we better pay a visit to online galleries that have propagated the internet with artworks for sale or original oil paintings to be specific. We, then, take a look of paintings in oil and see for ourselves that they are not antique-looking at all but more catchy ones. They belong to contemporary art. We specify our search then to Asian art as not to be overwhelmed by hundred thousands of artworks displayed right before our eyes. And from Asian art, we limit or confine our search per country and see how modern oil paintings will put us to awe! From Vietnam art alone, we can guarantee that our eyes will ask for more. They are highly cultural but made to be modern. And speaking of style, they have their own that is more than good enough for art buyers to take some action without much ado right after throwing the pieces a glance. Google Asian art and through the list on the first few pages, go for the one that says affordable art to make viewing more ecstatic. With crisis left and right, no matter how beautiful a product is if it is just intended to hurt our savings so much, then it doesn’t appeal to viewers anymore. 

Just a friendly reminder:  No matter how Asian art strikes us with awesome viewing experience, still go for affordable art when you buy art online. Looking for artworks for sale may take you to millions of choices until you find yourself retreating from your weeks of searching. Be specific.  Look for contemporary Asian art and make sure you bump yourself in to affordable art. Otherwise, you will find original oil painting in contemporary style intimidating aka too much too have.

Not all get the chance to experience the beauty of authentic painting in oil because not all are exposed to arts in the internet. Spending a couple of hours in the net for the first time to do a search prior to buying from the nearby art boutique will open one to a beautiful discovery of having tons of remarkable choices in a price that can even be friendlier to the budget than buying from the mall.  Budget for an art can even fit for two original oil paintings when one buys art online and in effect can even free one from shipping cost.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Modern Wall Art

It is nice to be classic when the term itself is accompanied by sophistication but classic needs to be discarded in the system when embracing too much of it is already making us feel antique, as well. Give life some good vibes instead of surrounding the space with a creepy ambiance! And yes, modern wall painting is a solution to the issue.

An office is a dull space without corporate art and when we mean art, we do not speak here of pieces to make a space look more gloomy. And what else to perk up the surrounding but modern collection! Homes are now made to exude a work space- feel as that of rooms or units that we see in skyscrapers set in the business hub of the city. First, such interior that looks like art boutique is made common to residential condominium units but as time passes, even in small to mansion houses are designed that way, too. They are minimalist. They are plain. The sets of furniture are of one color where some little details are crafted to accent and contrast each other. A few still use drapes yet many will opt for blinds. Of whether we go to Europe or get ourselves exposed to modern Asian art, design and style are common.  It could be art deco of Europe or Zen style of Asia.  Each is a stand- alone that that is artistically contemporary in design. But together when combined, there will be more boost to modern art. In fact, most of the contemporary arts that we see nowadays are a nice blend of two. Zen gives a feeling of relaxation. The style is simple and neat. Overall, wherever you look at it, the ambiance it exudes is fresh. Set furniture and art displays of geometric shapes and you get the art deco look. Put together is a creation of Asian freshness and Picasso design in one.

Modern wall paintings that are made for decorative purposes are made to fit in the above-mentioned space interior style. As mentioned, these kinds are common, nowadays, in both commercial and residential spaces. Meanwhile, classic paintings inherited from grandmas can now just stay at the attic while their value appreciates overtime, big time! Antique pieces are meant for investment and let the contemporary ones soothe our sights. Let modern Europe where also the classic Venetian arts flourished and Contemporary Asian art meet this time.

Modern wall painting collections can be located anywhere from physical stores to virtual shops. Even Asian art that is highly known to be very cultural imbibes contemporary style to depict a rural lifestyle genre which is, in fact, brilliant when a highly cultural subject is crafted with contemporary style and design!