Thursday, June 28, 2012

Residential Floor Murals

Floor murals are not only popular in office interiors, but many elegant houses make use of such art to daw attention to the flooring instead of putting eye catchy original oil painting on the wall. Here are some examples of how floor mural can make a house look sophisticated.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Modern Floor Murals

Murals are not just on walls. Even before, they can be seen on floors too.  Floor tiles are designed  yet no matter how elegant they may look, many will still opt to something more interesting to catch the eyes. Although this kind is not usually found in residential, we'll see lots of these in commercial spaces. Instead of decorating walls with wall painting, offices exert effort to heavily design their floors.  Let us see some simple floor mural that make businesses interesting.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Classic Painting

Apart from modern wall art or contemporary wall paintings, many still opt for classic ones. This makes huge houses to look like mansions of elegance and antiquity in style. The ambiance it exudes is more of formal that hip and cool. However, even modern architecture make use of classic wall paintings to put balance in style. This contrasts the modern feel and adds a more sopisticated flavor in the background.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Modern Portrait

ASide from landscape paintings, many artists are still fond of portraits but this time with a twist in style to make them  modern. Contemporary arts are now sought to suit the new architecture and contemporary designs of modern edifices.

                                   Artyii has great names when it comes to modern portaits...

                                     ... one of these is Tilen Ti of artyii. See more of him here.                                 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Landscape Surrealism

Talk about modern art and we have surrealism as its epitome when it comes to wall paintings. As mentioned from the previous post, landscape has been the artist favorite's for centuries. Yet, once mounted on the wall, it gives the ambiance a feel of refinement and antiquity. And for modern age such as what we are all in, surrealism gives a twist to a classic fine art.

Fantastic example of modern landscape from artyii's master artist.
See his profile here.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Landscape Realism

Landscape paintings are still artists' favorite and so are the art lovers' pet.  Landscape leaves the vieweres with no choice to once again embrace the beautiful surrounding that we have. Some still go for realism which looks more fine and classic while others prefer surrealism which looks more modern and interesting.

One of the works of artyii's realist landscape artist
See his profile here.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Murals for Restaurants

Contemporary murals have been more popular to establishments like restaurants even centuries ago. Commercial centers feel bolder to take advantage of usually humongous wall art that extends from wall to wall, or from angle to angle of a wall, as opposed to wall paintings that usually are known to consume a reasonable space for aesthetic purposes.

Mural in the restaurant interior to make dining more inviting

Murl seen outside the restaurant to more define what is the establishment for

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Office Murals

Speaking of murals from previous post, more than residential spaces, it is commercial stablishments like office spaces that make use more of murals as alternative to wall paintings of even as the first choice among wall arts. See samples below:

Monday, June 4, 2012

Murals as Modern Wall Art

To substitue for contemporary wall paintings, many residential and commercial spaces us of modern murals, instead. Below are examples of images of how murals can make an entire space look simple yet fabulous.