Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blessings over Distress for Years

There are too much things to thank for. For years, there are people who put you to hell. But who cares when one day you woke up when there were people who tried hard enough to fight for you and have tried to put a smile back to your face. So sad, that all these were hidden. Unfortunately, it was otherwise that were slapped to your face. Yet you know, it does not change your belief that you are still one of the, if not the, best of Asian arts.

And you say, it does not matter! Everything has a reason and everything leads to destiny. Despite the odds, you know you are not someone to give up the goodness of life. And more than anything, you are not someone to give up the thought that there is God, no matter what, not to mention you have felt it to your bones how He loves you so much. A few more days and you know that you have ended the year with success once again. Things could have been better without this orchestration to hit you left and right but what else can you do if they have already did and they enjoyed doing so, in fact. They have strived enough to not just make you an affordable art but a cheap craft. Amid of all these, your thoughts are pre-occupied of how to be better when it comes to your health situation, how to cope with work, how to earn more, what and where to invest, making oneself to look at least slightly pleasing once again, and bring back the son to your loving and warm embrace. It was a beautiful year for you. No matter what the people do to drag you down, it is always your clear conscience that matters, your will to survive, your unending faith, your zest for life, and your wild fantasy of having that someone in your life.

It is good to know that in the middle of ugly situations, you have done your part to serve the people and to show your faith to God. Now and hopefully, in the years to come, it is going to be you and the angel sent by God under your care who need your focus in achieving betterment, in all aspects. You deserve it, after all! Life is about moving forward. God loves people who value their lives. Hatred is inevitable, most especially when there are people who are continuously harassing you subtly or blatantly. But then God will help you survive them. He’d understand the rage within when He knows you by heart that it is only goodness along with good life that you have aimed for ever since you were a child. And yes, once again you will be the best of Asian art!

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